This international program for B.Eng. in in Biomedical Engineering aims to produce graduates based on research-based and outcome-based education. Program accreditation comply to the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) to be submit for evaluation in 2019. Graduates will have skills and knowledge in the field of Biomedical Engineering that are fundamental to career-long professional competence and meet current and emerging Biomedical Engineering needs. Integration and application of knowledge to benefit in accordance with the needs of society and the country with ethics in the professions and a responsibility on society. |
This international program for B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering aims to produce competent graduates, who are full of knowledge and employability skills, through outcome-based education. A blend of learner-centered instruction and assessment will be implemented to equip students with knowledge and prepare them to be ready to work. |
This international program for B.Eng. in Industrial Engineering (IE) with major in Dairy and Beverage Engineering (DBE) is the first program in Thailand exclusively designed to prepare students for emerging ASEAN and Global manufacturing markets. Upon the completion of the program, students will have competencies in Industrial Engineering along with microbiology, holistic DBE process engineering, and the essential skills of collaborative management, leadership, and English. This program is under collaboration (Memorandum of Agreement) with Dutch Mills Co., Ltd., Tetra Pak (Thailand) Co., Ltd., and Alliance Companies. |
Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University. (Mahidol, Engineering.)
999 Phuttamonthon 4 Road, Salaya, Phuttamonthon, Nakhon Pathom 73170 Thailand
Tel: +66 2889 2138
Fax: +66 2441 9731