Center for Biomedical and Robotics Technology (BART LAB) is a collaborative medical/engineering research center for medical robotics and computer-integrated surgical technology with missions to conduct research, to develop and commercialize prototypes, and to create research and knowledge networks in the areas. The goal of BART LAB is to increase the ability, potential and efficiency of the research and development on various fields in Biomedical Engineering Technology in Thailand. This also responds to the government’s R&D strategies. BART LAB has been founded in 2004 by collaboration among government agencies and universities in Thailand, which are MTEC, NECTEC, NSTDA, Thai Robotics Society, Mahidol University, Chulalongkorn University, Thammasat University, Institute of Field Robotics (FIBO) – King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, and Chiang Mai University. BART LAB is also academically supported by several leading foreign institutes, such as, Johns Hopkins University, Columbia University, UCLA, California State University at Long Beach, University of Massachusetts at Amherst – USA, Imperial College - UK and Nagaoka University – Japan. In addition, BART LAB is also collaborating with private and industrial sectors in developing and commercializing prototypes.
Location: 3rd-4th floor, Building 2, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University.