Invent for the Planet (IFTP) is an international competition hosted mainly by Texas A&M University. Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University organized this activity successfully in 2019.
On Feb 14-16, 2020 Invent for the Planet was again organized in Innogineer, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University at the same time with 30 other universities around the world. Participants formed two groups each of which had to choose a problem statement from a list of 14 problems to solve in 48 hours! One group chose “Preventing Injuries to Distracted Pedestrians” and the other one worked on “Developing Smart Cities”. In each group, students were from diverse backgrounds giving a multidisciplinary aspect to the competition.
On the second day, participants attended two workshops: Engineering Design and Presentation. They did not sleep the last night as their prototype and video were not ready yet! Finally, on Feb 16, two groups presented their final solution in 10 minutes. “Safe Walkers” who worked on “Preventing Injuries to Distracted Pedestrians” won the first prize!
Safe Walkers should now compete with the winners of other universities! The top 5 groups will go to Texas A&M University for the final round.
Thanks to the mentors who helped the groups during the event and the panel of judge who provided them with constructive feedback.