A meeting on signing the collaboration agreement to establish the Dual PhD Program inA meeting on signing the collaboration agreement to establish the Dual PhD Program inEngineering between Faculty of Engineering at Mahidol University (MU) in Thailand and Faculty ofEngineering and Technology at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) in the UK was organised byDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University on 20July 2017. Under this program, the students will study at Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University inThailand for 1.5 years and at Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Liverpool John Moores University inthe UK for 1.5 years; and get 2 PhD degrees in Engineering from both universities. International PhDprogram in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, Department of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University will be the 1 st program launching the 3-year DualPhD program with LJMU in 2018 under research collaboration through a project entitled “REliability andSafety Engineering and Technology for large maritime engineering systems (RESET)” funded by theEuropean Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. In the meeting, Prof. Jin Wang -Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship of Faculty of Engineering and Technology at LJMU, Prof. Dr.Patcharee Lertrit - Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies at MU, Asst. Prof. Dr. Chamras Promptmas - ViceDean for Strategic Management and Graduate Studies of Faculty of Engineering and Technology at MU,Visiting Prof. Dr. Ranjna Jindal – Director of International PhD program in Environmental and WaterResources Engineering at MU, and faculty members from the relevant departments discussed thecollaboration agreement and plan for launching the Dual PhD program.
Afterwards, Prof. Jin Wang who is also the Director of Liverpool Logistics, Offshore and Marine ResearchAfterwards, Prof. Jin Wang who is also the Director of Liverpool Logistics, Offshore and Marine ResearchInstitute (LOOM) at LJMU and a leading researcher of the RESET project team at LJMU, delivered alecture in Mahidol Engineering Special Seminar Series entitled ''A Risk-Based Approach in Design andOperation of Large Maritime Engineering Systems under Uncertainties''. Following a brief introduction ofthe recent developments in marine transportation system safety assessment, the presentationhighlighted how possibilistic and probabilistic approaches can be used to address uncertainties in datathrough elicitation of expert judgements and synthesis of both qualitative and quantitative information.Illustrative examples were used to demonstrate how such models can be applied in specific situations tofacilitate risk-based decision making under uncertainties.
The RESET project with total funding of €1,417,500 from the European Union (EU), encompasses theThe RESET project with total funding of €1,417,500 from the European Union (EU), encompasses thecollaborative research of a group of 9 universities from 7 countries in Europe and Asia - Liverpool JohnMoores University (UK), Aalto University (Aalto-Korkeakoulusäätiö; Finland), Instituto Superior Tecnico,Universidade of Lisbon (Portugal), Leibniz University Hannover (Germany), University of Plymouth (UK),Mahidol University (Thailand), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National University of Malaysia;Malaysia), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia), and Wuhan University of Technology (China). TheRESET project leader at Mahidol University is Asst. Prof. Dr. Wonsiri Punurai and the team membersinclude Asst. Prof. Dr. Trakarn Prapaspongsa, Asst. Prof.Dr. Yasothorn Sapsathiarn, and Asst. Prof. Dr.Teraphan Ornthammarath from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty ofEngineering. Under this project, there will be short- and long-term visits of professors and researchersfrom all partner universities in order to carry out research and organise seminars as well as internationalconferences from 2017 to 2021.