A survey on metro station names in Bangkok

Survey poster Station naming strategies for Bangkok metro system 724x1024

Today CLARE is launching an online survey titled: Station naming strategies for Bangkok metro system. If you live in or currently visit Bangkok and use metro network, this survey is for you!

There are currently five metro lines in operation in Bangkok and the metro system is expanding fast. Extensions of the existing lines and another four new lines are planned to be build and open in the near future.

This questionnaire aims to investigate people of Bangkok’s attitudes towards metro station naming strategies. We ask about the whole existing metro system in Bangkok, including BTS, MRT and ARL. Please state your preferences and attitudes for the existing metro station names in Bangkok to help to shape the station naming strategies for Bangkok metro system in the future.

Please note: the survey is for respondents 18+ years old only and will be open for the maximum period of 2 months.

To complete the survey, visit the links below:

Thai version: https://goo.gl/forms/D2pveBiAmdlZnDNB2

English version: https://goo.gl/forms/FSLmG9mr0jlgQWKh2


Thank you!

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โทรศัพท์ (66) 2889 2138 ต่อ 6619  e-mail: potjanee.sen@mahidol.edu

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