TRAS2019....We thank you for your valuable time made to our symposium this year.

On behalf of the TRAS2019 organization team, we thank you for your valuable time made to our symposium this year. We also want to extend a heartfelt thank you for your contributions to joining and making this event successful.

If you are looking for the slides at our symposium, please check out our website ( under the download menu. The pictures at the events are also available under the album menu. For academic papers, we are working on publishing under the conference proceeding, and we will immediately inform you when the conference proceeding is release.

Despite all these successes, we are also aware of our mistakes and gaps in improvements, and we are still looking for improvements for the next year. If you haven’t had a chance to evaluate us yet, please give us any feedback, comments, or ideas to us. The evaluation form is as the following link:

Thank you again for all of your kindly contributions

Sincerely yours,


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