The Thesis Examination of Miss Chutiwan Sowkasem

The final Thesis Defense of Miss Chutiwan Sowkasem for her Master of Engineering in Railway Transportation System (International Program), Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University was held on 22 March 2021 at R210, Faculty of Engineering. The thesis title was “AN OKR-BASED ENHANCEMENT OF SCRUM MANAGEMENT FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT IN RAILWAY PROJECTS”.

The thesis examination committee were as follows:
1. Associate Professor Dr. Terdsak Rongviriyapanich, Chair (External Examiner)
2. Associate Professor Dr. Phumin Kirawanich, Member and Major advisor
3. Dr. Siradol Siridhara, Member

Also attended was Mr. Graham K. Rogers, visiting professor, who was the external editor for the final version of the thesis.

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