The Thesis Defence Examination (Mr.Sebastian Ludwig Gintschel)

The Thesis Defence Examination of Master Engineering student in Railway Transportation System (Internation Program), Faculty of Engineering.

Mr.Sebastian Ludwig Gintschel

The thesis is titled "Design Practices In Regards to Passenger Hazard Exposure In Open Mass Transit Stations: A Benchmarking Exercise" on date May 7,2020 time 9.30 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. venue Room R232, Faculty of Engineering.

Thesis Examination Committee as follows:

1. Assistant Professor Dr.Waressara Weerawar (Chair)

2. Associate Professor Dr.Phumin Kirawanich (Member and Major advisor)

3. Dr.Siradol Siridhara (Member)

4. Associate Professor Dr.Terdsak Rongviriyapanich (Member (External Examiner))

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