About MetroExchange project


MetroExchange project is divided into 4 Work Packages:

  • Education
  • Research
  • Knowledge sharing 
  • Management and Dissemination

MetroExchange objectives:

1. To build staff capacity in delivering excellent rail engineering higher education in Thailand by organising activities jointly delivered by Thai and the UK project partners:

  • student internships
  • summer school
  • a short course
  • case teaching

2. To engage Thai and the UK project industry partners in delivering excellent collaborative rail engineering research by suggesting metro operations-related research topics:

  • academia-industry supervisory teams
  • innovation in rail engineering education research

3. To share rail/metro operations knowledge between academia and industry by organising events led by the partners and open to a wider audience:

  • two forum discussions 
  • scientific papers

MetroExchange project duration: 2 years (April 2018 – March 2020)

MetroExchange partners are:

  • Nexus, UK
  • BTS, Thailand
  • Newcastle University, UK
  • Mahidol University, TH

MetroExchange funders: Newton Fund (UK) + OHEC (TH)

MetroExchange Newsletters:



Dr Waressara Weerawat 

Mahidol University, Thailand

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Dr Marin Marinov 

Newcastle University, UK 

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กลุ่มสาขาวิชาโลจิสติกส์และระบบขนส่งทางราง คณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล 
25/25 ถนนพุทธมณฑลสาย 4 ตำบลศาลายา อำเภอพุทธมณฑล จังหวัดนครปฐม 73170 
โทรศัพท์ (66) 2889 2138 ต่อ 6619  e-mail: potjanee.sen@mahidol.edu

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