November 14,2016

Mahidol University and Kyoto University co-hosted the International Symposium on Global Environmental Studies: Education and Research in Asia and signed the Agreement for Double Master Degree Program

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On 14 November 2016, Clin. Prof. Udom Kachintorn, President of Mahidol University and Prof. Masao Kitano, Vice President of Kyoto Univerisity presided over the opening ceremony of the "International Symposium on Global Environmental Studies: Education and Research in Asia" and signing ceremony of the Double Degree Program at Mahidol Learning Center. This event was co-organized by Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University and Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University and was supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; and The Nippon Foundation.

This event aimed to debut the first Double Master Degree Program in Environmental Studies between Mahidol University and Kyoto University, as well as for sharing the most up to date information on educational collaboration with our partner universities in Asian and Western countries through presenting the international research by young scholars from several countries.

The symposium was well attended by over two hundred participants from Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, China, Philippines, China, India, Singapore, Myanmar, France, Italy, and the USA.
