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Live TV program @ Bok Gao Lao Sib on Modernine TV channel
Dr.Panrasee Ritthipravat received her doctorial degree from King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand since 2005. Currently, she is an assistant professor at Department of Biomedical Engineering, Mahidol University. Her research is mainly focused on the application of soft computing techniques to medical problems. Examples of her active research projects include computer aided cancer diagnosis, therapeutic robots, and haptic based rehabilitation system. These projects had received many national and international invention awards. Currently, she is a director of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Lab (AIM Lab).
We aim to develop and apply articificial intelligent techniques to various medical applications. Ongoing research includes developing software for prediction of cancer recurrence, image segmentaton, 3D visualization of tumor extent and robot-assisted developmental stimulation for autistic children etc. AI techniques employed in these research projects include neural networks, fuzzy logic, probabilistic reasoning, genetic algorithm, and hybrid approaches etc.
With our research, we hope that the medical applications will gain increasing capabilities. Physicians can provide better diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.