MetroExchange project launched

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MetroExchange is a new project co-funded by Newton Fund, where four partners, including two universities (Mahidol University/TH and Newcastle University/UK) and two industry partners (BTSC/TH and Tyne and Wear Metro/UK), will work together over the next two years. The aim of the project is to improve rail engineering education and research in Thailand by focusing on exchange of good practice in assessment of metro operations in the UK and in Thailand. The project has three research streams: education, research and knowledge sharing. Project objectives are as follows:

1.To build staff capacity in delivering excellent rail engineering higher education in Thailand by organising activities jointly delivered by Thai and the UK project partners. This includes: student internships, a summer school, a short course, and a case teaching.
2.To engage Thai and the UK project industry partners in delivering excellent collaborative rail engineering research by suggesting metro operations-related research topics. This includes: academia-industry supervisory teams and innovation in rail engineering education research.
3.To share rail/metro operations knowledge between academia and industry by organising events led by the partners and open to a wider audience. This includes: two forum discussions and scientific papers.

First consortium meetings have already taken place in April 2018 in Bangkok and in Newcastle and next steps are to recruit students for industry placements and research projects. Also, a free STEM resource (career sheets presenting academics and professionals involved in MetroExchange project) is expected to be drafted in Q3 2018 and ready for Rail Week in October 2018 in the UK.

For more information about the project contact: Assistant Professor Dr Waressara Weerawat via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Dr Marin Marinov via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Cluster of Logistics and Rail Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University 
25/25 Phuttamonthon 4 Rd., Salaya, Phuttamonthon, Nakhon Pathom 73170 
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