Innogineer Studio Center aims to create "Innovative Society and Entrepreneurship" allows Thailand to increase product value through innovation, from SMEs to startups, cultivating knowledge and cultivating Entrepreneurial Mindset and technical and hand-on skills to students, makers, start-up engineers and researchers in various areas of freedom of thought, imagination in the creation of a joint center Innogineer Studio, with a total area of over 800 square meters and advanced technology with world class consists
Mechanical Studio complete with Milling Machine , CNC Machine
Electric Studio advanced with equipment such as Electronic Supplier, Microcontroller, Oscilloscope, Power Supply, Function Generator
Assembly Studio, such as 3 D Scanner high resolution with a pin head with a laser scanner (3 D Laser Scanning Arm the System the CMM)
Prototyping Studio, such as 3 the D a Printer, and molded plastic 3 the D
Machine Studio, consists of a metal cutting lathe
Gallery Room displays space for invention and innovation
Co-Working space, the Area for learning and innovation, accommodating 30-40 people.
Meeting Room, A meeting room area that can accommodate 20-30 people, with audio equipment and LCD projectors available, including Innogineer Studio Shop for showcasing various innovations.
Location: 1st floor, Building 3, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University.