Prof. Dr. Chettiyapan Visvanthan
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- Ph.D in Chemical/Environmental Engineering
Institute de Genie Chimique, Institut National Polytechnique,
Toulouse, France, 1988 (Government of France, Ministry of External Affairs Scholarship).
- M. Engg in Environmental Engineering
Asian Institute of Technology,
Bangkok, Thailand, 1984 (Government of Switzerland Scholarship).
- B. Tech in Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology – (Madras),
Chennai, India, 1981
Areas of Expertise
- Solid – liquid separation technologies for water and wastewater treatment, desalination and membrane technology
- Solid waste management : 3R (Waste Reduce, reuse and recycle); Dry Anaerobic digestion
- Waste minimization and waste auditing
- Wastewater reuse
- Clean technologies
- Environmental technology assessment
- Industrial pollution control
Professional Experience
Period | Experience |
July 2013 – Present | Dean, SERD (School of Research Environment and Development), Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. |
July 2001 – Present | Professor, Environmental Engineering and Management Program, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. |
July 1994 – June 2001 | Associate Professor, Environmental Engineering Program, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. |
July 2001 – December 2002 | Program Coordinator, Urban Environmental Engineering and Management Program, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. |
Jan 1995 – Jan 1996 | Program Coordinator, Environmental Engineering Program, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. |
July 1991 – June 1994 | Assistant Professor, Environmental Engineering Program, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. |
February 1991 – June 1991 | Consultant to UNEP Industry and Environment Office, Paris, France. |
September 1988 – December 1990 | Project Engineer/Environmental Engineer, Asia Division International Training Centre for Water Resources Management, CEFIGRE, PB. 113, Sophia Antipolis, 06561 Valbonne Cedex France. |
August 1985 – September 1988 | Worked for the doctoral degree in the field of Crossflow Electromicro Filtration and its application for industrial wastewater treatment with Prof. R. Ben Aim, Solid/Liquid Separation Laboratory, CNRS ENIGC, Toulouse, France. |
April 1984 – October 1984 | Research Associate for the project on the “Preparation of a Masterplan for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Thailand”, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand. |
August 1981 – April 1982 | Trainee Chemical Engineer for Kothari Chemical Industries, Avadi, Madras, India. |
Selected Publications
- Jacob, P., P. Phungsai, K. Fukushi and C. Visvanathan. “Direct Contact Membrane Distillation for Anaerobic Effluent Treatment.” Journal of Membrane Science 475, (2015): 330-339.
- Jacob, P., P. Kashyap, T. Suparat and C. Visvanathan. “Dealing with Emerging Waste Streams: Used Tyre Assessment in Thailand Using Material Flow Analysis.” Waste Management and Research 32, no. 9 (2014): 918-926.
- Chaikasem, S., A. Abeynayaka and C. Visvanathan. “Effect of Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel as a Biocarrier on Volatile Fatty Acids Production of a Two-Stage Thermophilic Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor.” Bioresource Technology 168, (2014): 100-105.
- Caniato, M., M. Vaccari, C. Visvanathan and C. Zurbrügg. “Using Social Network and Stakeholder Analysis to Help Evaluate Infectious Waste Management: A Step Towards a Holistic Assessment.” Waste Management 34, no. 5 (2014): 938-951.
- Agamuthu, P. and C. Visvanathan. “Extended Producers’ Responsibility Schemes for Used Beverage Carton Recycling.” Waste Management and Research 32, no. 1 (2014): 1-3.
- Abeynayaka, A., C. Visvanathan, S. Khandarith, T. Hashimoto, H. Katayama, Y. Matsui and D. R. I. B. Werellagama. “Long-Term Studies on Hybrid Ceramic Microfiltration for Treatment of Surface Water Containing High Dissolved Organic Matter.” In Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 14, 246-254, 2014.
- Thanh, B. X., C. Visvanathan and R. Ben Aim. “Fouling Characterization and Nitrogen Removal in a Batch Granulation Membrane Bioreactor.” International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 85, (2013): 491-498.
- Thanh, B. X., N. P. Dan and C. Visvanathan. “Low Flux Submerged Membrane Bioreactor Treating High Strength Leachate from a Solid Waste Transfer Station.” Bioresource Technology 141, (2013): 25-28.
- Körner, I. and C. Visvanathan. “Perspectives of Composting and Anaerobic Digestion Technologies for the Treatment of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste in Europe and Asia.” International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 11, no. 2 (2013): 193-212.
- Khan, S. J., S. Ali, C. Visvanathan and V. L. Pillay. “Membrane Fouling Characterization in Membrane-Based Septic Tank.” Desalination and Water Treatment 51, no. 31-33 (2013): 6415-6419.
- Karthikeyan, O. P. and C. Visvanathan. “Bio-Energy Recovery from High-Solid Organic Substrates by Dry Anaerobic Bio-Conversion Processes: A Review.” Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology 12, no. 3 (2013): 257-284.
- Zeshan, O. P. Karthikeyan and C. Visvanathan. “Effect of C/N Ratio and Ammonia-N Accumulation in a Pilot-Scale Thermophilic Dry Anaerobic Digester.” Bioresource Technology 113, (2012): 294-302.
- Visvanathan, C. and P. Kashyap. “Effective Policy Framework for the Promotion of 3r Technology Transfer.” International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 15, no. 3-6 (2012): 501-515.
- Visvanathan, C. and A. Abeynayaka. “Development and Future Potentials of Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors.” Membrane Water Treatment Volum 3, (2012): 1-23.
- Khan, S. Jamal, Z-Ur Rehman, C. Visvanathan and V. Jegatheesan. “Influence of Bioflim Carriers on Membrane Fouling Propensity in Moving Bioflim Membrane Bioreactors.” Bioresource Technology, (2012): 113, 161-164.
- Jothiganesh, S., S. Vongdeuane and C. Visvanathan. “Geographic Information System Based Healthcare Waste Management Planning for Treatment Site Location and Optimal Transportation Routing.” Waste Management and Research, (2012): 587-595
- Jamal Khan, S., Rehman Zohaib Ur, C. Visvanathan and V. Jegatheesan. “Influence of Biofilm Carriers on Membrane Fouling Propensity in Moving Biofilm Membrane Bioreactor.” Bioresource Technology 113, (2012): 161-164.
- Jamal Khan, S., C. Visvanathan and V. Jegatheesan. “Effect of Powdered Activated Carbon (Pac) and Cationic Polymer on Biofouling Mitigation in Hybrid Mbrs.” Bioresource Technology 113, (2012): 165-168.
- Abeynayaka, C. Visvanathan , N. Monthakanti, T. Hashimoto and H. Katayama. “Removal of Dom and Thm-Formation-Potential of Tropical Surface Water by Ceramic Microfiltration.” Journal of WST – Water Supply, (2012).
- Wijekoon, K. C., C. Visvanathan and A. Abeynayaka. “Effect of Organic Loading Rate on Vfa Production, Organic Matter Removal and Microbial Activity of a Two-Stage Thermophilic Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor.” Bioresource Technology 102, no. 9 (2011): 5353-5360.
- Visvanathan, C., O. P. Karthikeyan and K. H. Park. “Sustainable Landfilling in Tropical Conditions: Comparison between Open and Closed Cell Approach.” Waste Management and Research 29, no. 4 (2011): 386-396.
- Visvanathan, C. “Business and Employment Opportunities in Waste Management and Recycling in Asia.” Waste Management 31, no. 6 (2011): 1083-1084.
- Visiting Professor at the Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Member of Asian Society of Environmental Protection
- Member of International Water Association (IWA)
- Member of UNEP-IEO working group on Metal Finishing
- Member of Global Environmental Technology Network (GETNET), WHO Geneva
- Technical Advisor, Scientific Editor of Energy & Environment Newsletter – AIT
Special Awards and Honors
- Best Reviewer award by Journal of Bioresources Technology, Elsevier Publications, 2014.
- Visiting Professor, from June- July 2012, Japan Society for Promotion of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan.
- Invited to serve as a Visiting Professor, Faculty of Environment, HCMC University of Technology, Vietnam for 3 years from 1 December, 2010.
- External Curriculum Reviewer for the School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pinang, Malaysia, From 2009 to 2010.
- Among the list of 50 leading researchers of Thailand based on number of Research Publications from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008.
- Invited as Visiting Scholar of the EU- Joint European Master Program in Environmental Studies (JEMES), from May- August, 2008, at the Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection, Technical University of Hamburg – Harburg, Germany.
- Invited as Visiting Faculty from July – August, 2007 at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa.
- Best Teaching Award – 2005 for the course ED78:20 Industrial Waste Abatement and Management.
- Government of Switzerland Scholarship to take Masters Program in AIT.
- Government of France, Ministry of External Affairs Scholarship to take PhD program in France.
- Visiting Professor at the Institute for Environmental Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Member in Journal Editorial Board
- Associate Editor – Asia. Journal of Waste Management, Elsevier Publishers, From January 2009 – 2013
- Associate Editor – Global Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, from July, 2010
- Editorial Board, Bioresource Technology, Elsevier Publishers, From December 2007
- Editorial Board, Reviews in Environmental Science & Bio/Technology, January 2009
- Editorial Board, International Journal of Membrane Water Treatment:, from January 2010
- Advisory Board Member, UNIDO – Green Industry Platform, from 2012
- Guest editor for the October- December, 2010 issue of J. of Energy Manager
- Invited Guest Editor for Volume: 17, Issue 7, Journal of Cleaner Production, Theme: Present and Anticipated Demands for natural Resources: Scientific, Technological, Political, Economic and Ethical Approaches for Sustainable Management, With: Dr. V. Jegatheesan., 2009
- Board of Advisors, Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Board of Advisors, Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences
- Editorial Board, Agricultural Engineering Society of Sri Lankan (ISBN: 1391-0671)
- Technical Advisor, Trade Journal ET4Thai (Environmental Technologies for Thai Industries) (ISBN: 1686-4166)
- Technical Advisor and Scientific Editor, Energy & Environment News Letter-AIT