Laboratories & Research
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering provides many laboratories and equipments for undergraduate/graduate studies and research. The examples are:
Structure and Materials Lab
- 1000-kN Universal Testing Machine
- 3000-kN and 2000-kN Compression Tester
- Equipments for making concrete and mortar specimens
- Temperature and wind speed controlled curing room for shrinkage tests
- Moist curing room for curing concrete
- Various chloride penetration test equipments
- Equipments for chemical analyses of chloride content etc.
- Nondestructive tests equipments including Half-Cell Potential, Linear Polarization Resistance, Concrete Resistivity, Rebar Locator, Rebound Hammer, Air Permeability, Ultra Pulse Velocity Test, etc.
- Data Acquisitioning System and displacement transducers, strain gauges, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, etc.
- Automatic environmental simulators for testing of durability of construction materials
- Oven and carbonation chambers
- Equipments for field investigation of structure's condition
- Prestressing Bed
- and many more.
Soil Mechanics Lab
- Triaxial Testing Machine
- Unconfined Compression Test
- Direct Shear Test
- Permeability Test
- Consolidation Test
- Compaction Test
- Field Density Test
- Soil Chemical Test
- Pressure Sensors and Data Loggers
- Equipments for Soil Sampling and Soil Classifications
Transportation and Logistics Lab
Geoinformatic and Survey Lab
- Theodolites, Level, and Total Station Telescopes
- GPS Equipments and Software
- Softwares for Geoinformatic Applications
The program provides students with an 24-hour access office where students can meet, work, and rest. We provide computers with licensed softwares for students to use including:
- Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office
- ETABS (Finite Element Structural Analysis Program)
- EndNote
- Mathematica
- SPSS Statistics
- and many more