Assoc.Prof.Dr.Wonsiri Punurai
Email :
Tel : 02 – 889 – 2138 Then 6391

- Ph.D. (Civil Engineering)
Georgia Institute of Tehnology, USA: 2549 (2006) - M.Eng. (Civil Engineering)
New Jersey Institute of Tehnology, USA: 2543(2000) - B.Eng (Civil Engineering)
Mahidol university, Thailand: 2541 (1998)
Professional Specialization and Research Interests
- Strengthening of RC structural elements by FRP composite fabrics
- Nondestructive evaluation and structural health monitoring
- Computation mechanics and optimization
Taught Classes
- Mathematics Engineering II
- Structural Analysis I
- Construction Material Laboratory
1. Kakaie A, Soares CG, Ariffin AK, Punurai W. Fatigue reliability analysis of submarine pipelines using the Bayesian approach. Journal of marine science and engineering 2023; 11(3): 580.
2. Leow JS, Leow JS, Kang HS, Yaakob O,Punurai W., Amelia S, Huyen L. Technical preparedness in Southeast Asia region for onshore dismantling of offshore structures: gaps and opportunities. Ocean system engineering 2023; 13(1): 79-95.
3. Huyen L,Punurai W., Zawawi NAW, Yaakob O, Nguyen N, Le TT, Nguyen KV, Amelia S, Kamarudin AN, Kang HS, Le SV. A review of mercury waste management in the ASEAN oil and gas industry. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste 2023; 27(1): 04022044.
4.Punurai W., Sorthananusak P, Prabuntrarik K, Phuangruangsri C, Yamapai N. Simplified design methods for prequalified seismic moment connections used in a steel framed structure. Engineering journal of research and development 2022; 33(3): 9-20.
5. Yungratog S, Goerlandt F,Punurai W., Thammaboosadee S. A Conceptual Framework for Assessing Risks for Data Protection Impact Assessment Process in Maritime Industries. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2022; December: 1083-1087.
6. Sinunta K,Punurai W., Asavadorndeja P. Topside reuse in Gulf of Thailand: Case Studies and Opportunities for Improvement. 3rd International Conference on the Decommissioning of Offshore & Subsea Structures (DECOM 2022). February 21-22; Bearsden, Glasgow. Research Publishing; 2022; 44-51.
7. Amelia S, Leow JS, Hasyim B, Aditramulyadi DD, Kang HS, Yaakob OB,Punurai W. Onshore Yard Readiness for Upcoming Oil and Gas Offshore Structure Decommissioning Projects in Indonesia. SPE Symposium: Decommissioning and Abandonment 2021. Nov 30 – Dec 2; Virtually Research Publishing; 2021.
8.Banda OAV, Kujala P, Sapsathiarn Y, Mokkhavas O, Punurai W., Suvanjumrat C, Priyadumkol J. A risk analysis of autonomous vessels in complex urban waterways. Developments in Maritime Technology and Engineering 2021; 5(1): 283-289.
9. Arif UGM, Loo CY, Kang HS, Punurai W., Quen LK, Lai GNY, Chong WT. Suppression of hydrodynamic sloshing in liquefied natural gas tank with floating baffle: Experimental and numerical studies.IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2020; 463.
10. Behrensdorf J, Azad MS, Broggi M,Punurai W., Beer M. Reliability based optimization of inspection and maintenance schedules for offshore jacket structures subject to marine corrosion.Proceedings of The Seventh Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications (APSSRA2020). October 5-7; Tokyo, Japan. Research Publishing; 2020.
11. Punurai W., Azad MS, Pholdee N, Bureerat S, Sinsabvarodom C. A novel hybridized metaheuristic technique in enhancing the diagnosis of cross-sectional dent damaged offshore platform members. Comput Intell 2020; 36: 132-150.
12. Bhardwaj U, Teixeira AP, Guedes Soares C, Azad MS,Punurai W., Asavadorndeja P. Reliability assessment of thick high strength pipelines with corrosion defects. Int J Press Vessels Pip 2019; 177.
13. Azad MS, Punurai W., Sinsabvarodom C, Asavadorndeja P. Effects of redundancy in bracing systems on the fragility curve development of steel jacket offshore platform. Eng J 2019; 23(1): 123-133.
14. Punurai W., Kroehong W, Saptamongkol A, Chindaprasirt P. Mechanical properties, microstructure and drying shrinkage of hybrid fly ash-basalt fiber geopolymer paste. Constr Build Mater 2018; 186:62-70.
15. Azad, M.S.,Punurai W., Sinsabvarodom, C., Asavadorndeja, P. The fatigue assessment of offshore monopile structure considering corrosion. In: Carlos Guedes Soares, Josko Parunov. (eds) Trends in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures – Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Marine Structures, MARSTRUCT 2019, pp. 188-194.
16. Tanadrob K., Suvanjumrat, C.,Punurai W. The surrounding water effect in the speedboat collision modeling. In: Beer M, Zio E., editors. Proceedings of the 29* European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL2019). September 22-26; Hannover, Germany. Singapore: Research Publishing; 2019. p. 3691-8.
17. Regenhardt TE., Azad M.S., Punurai W., Beer M. (2019) A Novel Application of System Survival Signature in Reliability Assessment of Offshore Structures. In: Vasant P., Zelinka I., Weber GW. (eds) Intelligent Computing; Optimization. ICO 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 866. Springer, Cham.
18. Punurai W., Davis P. Prediction of Asbestos Cement Water Pipe Aging and Pipe Prioritization Using Monte Carlo Simulation. Engineering Journal 2017; 21(2): 1-13.
19. Dinh TD, Rezaei A, Punurai W., De Laet L, Mollaert M, Hemelrijck DV, Paepegem WV. A shape optimization approach to integrated design and nonlinear analysis of tensioned fabric membrane structures with boundary cables. International Journal of Solids and Structures 2016; 83: 114-125.
20. Hsu C-TT, Punurai S,Punurai W., Majdi Y. New composite beams having cold-formed steel joists and concrete slab. Engineering Structures 2014; 71: 187-200.
21. Punurai W., Hsu C-TT, Punurai S, Chen J. Biaxially loaded RC slender columns strengthened by CFRP composite fabrics. Engineering Structures 2013; 46: 311-321.
22. Punurai W., Tongpool W, Morales JH. Implementation of genetic algorithm for optimum cutting pattern generation of wrinkle free finishing membrane structures. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 2012; 58C: 84-90.
Sinsabvarodom C, Punurai W. Asavadorndeja P, Wang J. Long tern fatigue assessment of offshore monopile structure under corrosive environmental. In: Manshahia MS, Litvinchev IS, Weber G, Thomas JJ, Vasant P, editors. Human-Assisted Intelligent Computing Modeling, IOP Publishing Ltd; 2023. p. 26- 1 to 26-18. doi: 10.1088/978-0-7503-4801-0
Punurai W, Pholdee N. Optimal Structural Elements Sizing Using Neural Network and Adaptive Differential Algorithm. In: Vasant P, Alparslan Gök S.Z, Weber G., editors. Handbook of Research on Emergent Applications of Optimization Algorithms (2 Volumes). Hershey, PA: IGI Global; 2018.134.
Punurai W, Hsu C-TT. Mechanics of Materials – Laboratory and Experiments. 4th ed., Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing; March 2012. p. 1-88.
p. 93-134. doi: 10.4018/978-1- 5225-2990-3.ch005
Other Publications
- Hsu, C.-T. T., Punurai, W., Punurai, S. Biaxially loaded RC columns strengthened by CFRP; 2004.
(Copyrights Registration No. TXu 1-637-863, USA, June 18, 2008)