Dr. Totsawat Daungwilailuk
Email : totsawat.dau@mahidol.ac.th
Tel : 02 – 889 – 2138 Then 6379
ORCID: 0000-0002-0917-8580
Sustainable Consruction Material and Innovation Research Unit

- Ph.D. (Civil Engineering)
Hiroshima University, Japan: 2562 (2019)
- M.Eng. (Civil Engineering)
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand: 2555 (2012)
- B.Eng. (Civil Engineering)
Mahidol University, Thailand: 2552 (2009)
Professional Specialization & Research Interests
- 3D printing concrete
- Durability of construction materials
- Repair and maintenance for concrete structures
- Radiation shielding of materials
T.M. Swe, P. Limpaninlachat, T. Daungwilailuk, W. Pansuk, P. Pheinsusom: (2023) Bonding behavior of interface between reinforced concrete after fire and carbon fiber-reinforced polymer, Construction and Building Materials, 382, 131289
T. Daungwilailuk, C. Yenchai, W. Rungjaroenkiti, P. Pheinsusom, C. Panwisawas, W. Pansuk: (2022) Use of barite concrete for radiation shielding against gamma-rays and neutrons, Construction and Building Materials, 326, 126838
T Daungwilailuk, P Pheinsusom, W Pansuk: (2021) Uniaxial load testing of large-scale 3D-printed concrete wall and finite-element model analysis, Construction and Building Materials 275, 122039
T Daungwilailuk, T Kitagawa, PT Bui, Y Ogawa, K Kawai.: (2019) Penetration of moisture, CO2, and Cl ions in concrete after exposure to high temperature, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 17 (1), 1-15.
T Daungwilailuk, TN Cao, W Pansuk, P Pheinsusom (2017) Evaluating damaged concrete depth in reinforced concrete structures under different fire exposure times by means of NDT and DT techniques
Conference Proceedings
Menkham M., Yaphrom M., Nokpho B., Daungwilailuk T., “Finite element analysis on the behavior of 3D printed concrete under compression”, Proceedings of the 27th National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE27), 24-26 August 2022. Chiang Rai, Thailand, STR-23-1-7
Thanyasukawanit C., Daungwilailuk T., Pansuk W., “A study on cement-based mix design and mechanical property tests for 3D-printing”, Proceedings of the 26th National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE26), 23-25 June 2021. Rayong, Thailand, STR-22-1-6
Daungwilailuk T., Chinnaphatcharatham, C., Thi C.M., Pansuk W., “Prevention of deteriorating wooden building”, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Protection of Historical Constructions (Prohitech 2020), Athens, Greece, 2021
Mizoguchi M., Kitagawa T., Daungwilailuk T., Ogawa Y., Kawai K., “Investigation on moisture transfer in mortar after exposure to high temperature”, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol 80 (2020), Page 563-572.
Kitagawa T., Daungwilailuk T., Ogawa Y., Kawai K., “高温に曝露したモルタル中の水分移動に関する検討”, Proceedings of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers Annual Convention (JSCE), 29-31 August 2018 (Japanese), Hokkaido, Japan.
Mizoguchi M., Kitagawa T., Daungwilailuk T., Ogawa Y., Kawai K., “An Investigation on Moisture and Water Absorption in Cement Paste with Electrical Resistance Method”, Proceeding of 6th International Conference on the Durability of Concrete Structure (ICDC), 18-20 July 2018, Leeds, United Kingdom.
Daungwilailuk T., Kitagawa T., Ogawa Y., Kawai K., “Carbonation and Chloride Penetration into Concrete After High Temperature Exposure”, Proceeding of Japan Concrete Institute Annual Convention (JCI), Kobe, Japan, Vol 40 (2018), Page 591-596.