Assoc.Prof.Dr.Teraphan Ornthammarath
Email :
Tel : 02 – 889 – 2138 Then 6283

Ph.D. (Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Seismology)
ROSE School, ITALY: 2553 (2010) -
M.Sc. (Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Seismology)
ROSE School, ITALY and Universite Joseph Fourier, FRANCE: 2550 (2007) -
B.Eng. (Civil Engineering)
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thailand: 2543 (2000)
Professional Specialization & Research Interests
- Seismic Design
- Seismic Retrofit
- Non-destructive testing
- Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment
- Earthquake Induced Ground Motion
Taught Classes
- Reinforced Concrete Design
- Structural Analysis 2
- Structural Analysis & Structural Dynamics (Postgraduate level)
- Seismic Design & Rehabilitation (Postgraduate level)
Professional Activities
- The Secretary, Wind and Earthquake Engineering Committee, Engineering Institute of Thailand
- A committee member, Thailand Seismic Design Committee, Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning, Ministry of Interior
- Cabangon, L.T. , Elia, G., Rouainia, M., Keawsawasvong, S., Ornthammarath, T. (2024) Seismic vulnerability of shallow tunnels subjected to far-field long-period ground motions Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2024, 176, 108313
- Ornthammarath, T. , Jirasakjamroonsri, A., Pornsopin, P. , … Warnitchai, P. ,Toe, T.T.T. (2023) Preliminary analysis of amplified ground motion in Bangkok basin using HVSR curves from recent moderate to large earthquakes Geoenvironmental Disasters, 2023, 10(1), 28
- Ornthammarath, T., Chua, C.T. , Suppasri, A., Foytong, P. (2023) Seismic damage and comparison of fragility functions of public and residential buildings damaged by the 2014 Mae Lao (Northern Thailand) earthquake Earthquake Spectra, 2023, 39(1), pp. 126–147
- Waenpracha, S., Foytong, P., Suppasri, A., … Maneekul, P., Ornthammarath, T. (2023) Development of Fragility Curves for Reinforced-Concrete Building with Masonry Infilled Wall under Tsunami Advances in Civil Engineering, 8021378
- Subedi, B., Kiyono, J., Furukawa, A, Y Ono, Ornthammarath, T, Kitaoka… Charatpangoon, B., Latcharote, P. (2021) Estimation of Ground Profiles Based on Microtremor Survey in the Bangkok Basin Frontiers in Built Environment, 2021, 7, 651902
- Ornthammarath, T., Warnitchai, P. , Chan, C.H., Wang, Y., Shi, X., Nguyen, P.H., Nguyen, L.M., Kosuwan, S., and Thant, M.. (2020) “Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessments for Northern Southeast Asia (Indochina): Smooth Seismicity Approach.” Earthquake Spectra, doi:10.1177/8755293020942528.
- Foytong, P. and Ornthammarath, T. (2020) Empirical seismic fragility functions based on field survey data after the 5
May 2014 Mae Lao (Northern Thailand) earthquake. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. - Ornthammarath, T. (2019) Seismic damage to ancient monuments in Chiang Saen (NorthernThailand): implication for historical earthquakes in GoldenTriangle area. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 20180255.
- Suppasri, A., Pakoksung, K., Charvet, I., Chua, C. T., Takahashi, N., Ornthammarath, T., Latcharote, P., Leelawat, N. and Imamura, F. (2019). Load-resistance analysis: An alternative approach to tsunami damage assessment applied to the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19, 1807-1822. - Ornthammarath,T. and Puvaranukro, T. (2018) “Observed Hospital Damages following the 2014 Mae Lao (Northern Thailand) earthquake: A Survey Report”. Journal of Disaster Research 13 (4), 804-812
- Zaw, S., Ornthammarath, T., Poovarodom, N. (2017) Seismic Reconnaissance and observed damage after the Mw 6.8, 24 August 2016 Chauk (Central Myanmar) earthquake. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. doi: - Ornthammarath, T., Warnitchai, P. (2016) The 5 May 2014 MW 6.1 Mae Lao ( Northern Thailand) earthquake: Interpretations of recorded ground motion and structural damage. Earthquake Spectra , Vol. 32, No. 2,
pp. 1209-1238. doi: - Christophersen, A., Nicola Litchfield, Kelvin Berryman, Richard Thomas, Roberto Basili, Laura Wallace, William Ries, Gavin P. Hayes, Kathleen M. Haller, Toshikazu Yoshioka, Richard D. Koehler, Dan Clark, Monica Wolfson-Schwehr, Margaret S. Boettcher, Pilar Villamor, Nick Horspool,Ornthammarath, T., Ramon Zuñiga, Robert M. Langridge, Mark
W. Stirling, Tatiana Goded, Carlos Costa, Robert Yeats (2015) “Development of the Global Earthquake Model’s neotectonic fault database” Natural Hazard, Volume 79, Issue 1, pp 111-135 - Ornthammarath,T.(2013)“A note on the strong ground motion recorded during the Mw 6.8 earthquake in Myanmar on 24 March 2011” Bull. Earthq. Eng. 11, pages 241–254
- Corigliano, M, Lai, C. G, Menon, A., and Ornthammarath, T. (2012) “Seismic input at the archaeological site of Kancheepuram in Southern India” Natural Hazard.
- Ornthammarath,T. ,Douglas,J.,Sigbjörnsson, R.,Lai,C.G.(2011)“Assessment of ground motion variability and its effect on seismic hazard analysis: A case study for Iceland”, Bull. Earthq Eng. Volume 9, Number 4, 931-953, DOI:10.1007/s10518-011-9251-9
- Ornthammarath,T.,Warnitchai,P.,Worakanchana,K. ,Zaman,S.,Sigbjörnsson, R.,Lai,C.G.(2011)“Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Thailand”, Bull. Earthq Eng. Volume 9, Number 2, 367-394, DOI: 10.1007/s10518-010-9197-3
- Menon, A., Ornthammarath, T., Corigliano, M., and Lai, C. G. (2010) “Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Macrozonation of Tamil Nadu in Southern India”, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. Vol. 100(3), 1320-1341.
Conference Proceeding
- Ko, Y.N., Ornthammarath, T. (2019) The Effect of Ground Motion Selection Methods for Seismic Design of Tall Buildings: A Case Study of Mandalay City The 24th National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE), 10-12 July 2019,
Engineering Institute of Thailand - Ornthammarath T, Warnitchai P (2017) Comparison of hazard results and uncertainty among the Use of NGA-West1 and NGA-West 2 Ground Motion Prediction Equations. In: Proceeding of The International Conference on Earthquake engineering and Structural Dynamics 12th-14th of June 2017, Reykjavík, Iceland
- Ornthammarath T,Warnitchai P(2015) A note on ground motion recorded during Mw 6.1 Mae Lao (Northern Thailand) earthquake on 5 May 2014. In: Proceeding of the Tenth Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering Building an Earthquake-Resilient Pacific 6-8 November 2015, Sydney, Australia
- Ornthammarath T, (2015) Seismic performance of non-engineered residential buildings in the 2014 Mae Lao earthquake. In: Proceeding of the Tenth Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering Building an Earthquake-Resilient Pacific 6-8 November 2015, Sydney, Australia
- Ornthammarath T, Warnitchai P, Pokhrel, M. (2014) A note on ground motion recorded during the Mw 9.2 Great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in Myanmar, Malaysia, and Thailand on 26 December 2004. In: Proceeding of the
2nd European conference on earthquake engineering and seismology (2ECEES): Istanbul, Turkey, August 24–29, 2014 - Ruangrassamee A, Ornthammarath T, Lukkunaprasit P (2012) Damage due to 24 March 2011 M6.8 Tarlay earthquake in Northern Thailand. In: Proceeding of the 15th world conference in earthquake engineering (15WCEE):Lisbon, Portugal, September 24–28, 2012
- Ornthammarath, T., Douglas, J., Sigbjörnsson, R., and Lai, C. G. (2010) “Assessment of strong ground motion variability in Iceland” Proceeding of the 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, August 30 – September 3, 2010, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
- Ornthammarath, T., Lai, C.G., Menon, A., Corigliano, M., Dodagoudar, G.R., Gonavaram, K. K. (2008b). “Seismic Hazard of the Historical Centre of Kancheepuram in Southern India”, Proceeding of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14WCEE), 12-17 October 2008, Beijing, China.
- Ornthammarath, T., Corigliano, M., and Lai, C. (2008a). “Artificial Neural Networks Applied to the Seismic Design of Deep Tunnels”, Proceeding of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (14WCEE),
12-17 October 2008, Beijing, China. - Ornthammarath, T. and Harnpornchai, N. (2002). “A numerical methodology for analysis of dynamical systems with ANNs-modeled unknown subsystem”, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2002), 2-5 September 2002, Munich, Germany.
- Ornthammarath, T. and Harnpornchai, N. (2002), “ANNs-based System Identification of Hysteretic Systems”, 3 rd world Conference on Structural Control (3WCSC), 7-12 April 2002, Como, Italy.
Research Projects
Project Title: Mitigation of Seismic Risk of Tall Buildings in Bangkok
Metropolitan Area from Large Distant Earthquakes
Role: Co-investigator
Source of Funding: Thailand Research Fund -
Project Title: Developing and identifying seismic vulnerability evaluation
guideline for healthcare system: A lesson learnt from Mae Lao earthquake
Role: Project Leader
Source of Funding: Thailand Research Fund -
Project Title: Reviewing and updating Thailand seismic design code
Role: Co-investigator
Source of Funding: Department of Public Works and Town and Country Planning -
Project Title: Developing Thailand building damage and fragility function
database – Lessons from recent earthquakes and tsunamis
Role: Co-investigator
Source of Funding: JSPS-NRCT Bilateral Joint Research Project
- The 2019 NCCE24 Best Paper Award (Structural Engineering), The 24th National Convention on Civil Engineering (NCCE), 10-12 July 2019, Engineering Institute of Thailand
Personal Research Website