Asst.Prof.Dr.Romanee Thongdara
Email :
Tel : 02 – 889 – 2138 Then 6399

- Ph.D. Tech.Sc (Remote sensing and geographic Information Systems)
Asian Institute of Technology: 2555 (2012) - M.Sc. (Appropriate Technology for Resources Studies)
Mahidol university,Thailand: 2540 (1997) - B.Eng. (Agriculture)
Kasetsart university, Thailand: 2534 (1992)
Professional Specialization and Research Interests
- การจัดการสิ่งแวดล้อมการวิเคราะห์สถิติเชิงพื้นที่การประยุกต์ใช้ระบบสารสนเทศภูมิศาสตร์และระบบ สัมผัสระยะไกลในด้านต่างๆ เช่น เกษตร สิ่งแวดล้อม การจัดการน้ำ สุขภาพ และ เชิงสังคมศาสตร์ เป็นต้นงานวิจัยชุมชน
- Thongdara, R., Tanachaikhan, P., Kulpradit, K., Tibkeaw., A. P. (2013) The Urban Expansion to Durian Orchard in Nonthaburi. In: ACRS 2013: proceedings of the 34nd Asian conference on remote sensing: “BRIDGING SUSTAINABLE ASIA” 20-24 October 2013, Bali, Indonesia.
- Thongdara, R., Tibkeaw, A.P. (2012). Improving Poverty Target and Alleviation Policy Using Spatial Statistics and GIS.In: ACRS 2012: proceedings of the 33nd Asian conference on remote sensing: AimingSmartSpaceSensing, 26-30 November 2012, Pattaya, Thailand.
- Tibkeaw, A.P., Thongdara, R. (2012). The Developing of Natural Resources Database for Supporting Sub-District Development Plan by Using Parcipatory Mapping (P-Mapping) A case of Phatthalung Province, Thailand. In: ACRS 2012: proceedings of the 33nd Asian conference on remote sensing: AimingSmartSpaceSensing, 26-30 November 2012, Pattaya, Thailand.
- Thongdara, R., Samarakoon, L., Shrestha, R. P., Ranamukhaarachchi, S. L. (2011). Using GIS and Spatial Statistics to Target Poverty and Improve Poverty Alleviation Programs: A Case Study in Northeast Thailand. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 5(2), 157-82 DOI:10.1007/s12061-011-9066-8.
- Samarakoon, L., Thongdara, R., Shrestha, R. P., Ranamukhaarachchi, S. L. (2011). Identifying Spatial Context and Associated Factors of poverty using spatial statistic and GIS.In: ACRS 2011: proceedings of the 32nd Asian conference on remote sensing : sensing for Green Asia, 3-7 October 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
- AnisaraPensuk, A., Shrestha, R. P., Nateec, V., Tibkaew, P., Thongdara R., and Pholhinkong, C. 2011. Assessing the Flood Risk Area of Southern Thailand with an Integrated Curve Number and Flow Accumulation Approach.In: ACRS 2011 : proceedings of the 32nd Asian conference on remote sensing : sensing for Green Asia, 3-7 October 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Overgaard, H., Steinert, M., Charoenviriyaphap, T., Thongdara, R., Limsoontorn, T., Imvitthaya, C., Samarakoon, L., Ranamukhaarachchi, S. l., Almvik, M., Johansen N. S., Nordhus, E., Eklo, O. 2010. Risk area for vector resistance to agricultural insecticides in Thailand and Insecticide susceptibility in vectors. In: Joint International Tropical Medicine Meeting. 1-3 December 2010, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Thongdara, R., Limsoontorn, T., Imvitthaya, C., Samarakoon, L., Ranamukhaarachchi, S., Almvik, M., Eklo, O., Svae Johansen, N., Nordhus, E. & Overgaard, H. 2009. Pesticides, Agriculture and Health in Thailand.Bioforsk Report 4(103): 194p. ISBN978-82-17-00528-5