Dr.Pornpen Limpaninlachat
Email : pornpen.lim@mahidol.ac.th
Tel : 02 – 889 – 2138 Then 6379
ORCID: 0000-0003-0624-2628
Sustainable Consruction Material and Innovation Research Unit

- Ph.D. (Structural Engineering)
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan: 2560 (2017) - M.Eng. (Structural Engineering)
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan: 2557 (2014) - M.Eng. (Structural Engineering)
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand: 2555 (2012) - B.Eng. (Civil Engineering)
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand: 2552 (2009)
Professional Specialization & Research Interests
- Repair, strengthening, and maintenance for concrete structures
- Ultra-high strength fiber reinforced concrete
- Concrete structures
- Application of new construction materials
Taught Classes
- Prestressed Concrete Design
- Reinforced Concrete Design
Limpaninlachat, P., Takuro, N., Kono, K., and Niwa, J.: Shear Strengthening Performance of Pre-tensioned UFC Panel on Reinforced Concrete Beams, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology (ACT),Vol. 15, Issue 9, pp. 558-573, 2017. (Scopus)
Limpaninlachat, P., Matsumoto, K., Takuro, N., Kono, K., and Niwa, J.: Flexural Strengthening Effect of Pre-tensioned UFC Panel on Reinforced Concrete Beams, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), Vol. 4, pp. 181-196, 2016.
Conference Proceedings
Nakamura, T., Limpaninlachat, P., Kono, K., and Niwa, J.: Shear Strengthening Method for RC Beams by using Post-tensioned UFC Panel, AFGC-ACI-fib-RILEM Int. Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC 2017), Montpellier, France, October, 2017.
Limpaninlachat, P., Matsumoto, K., Nakamura, T., Kono, K., Niwa, J.,: Evaluation of Damaged RC Beams Strengthened in Flexure by Pre-tensioned UFC Panel, fib Symposium 2016, Cape town, South Africa, November 2016.
Limpaninlachat, P., Matsumoto, K., Nakamura, T., Kono, K., Niwa, J.,: New Application of UFC in Flexural Strengthening Method for RC Beams, The 10th fib PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, August 2016. (Scopus)
Limpaninlachat, P., Matsumoto, K., Nakamura, T., Kono, K., Niwa, J.,: Advanced Flexural Strengthening Method for RC Beams by using Pre-Tensioned UFC Panel, Proceeding of the 14th East Asia Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-14), pp. 957-965, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, January 2016.
Limpaninlachat, P., Matsumoto, K., Nakamura, T., Kono, K., and Niwa, J.: Flexural Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened by Pre-tensioned UFC Panel, Proceeding of the 7th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development (RSID), Vol.20, No.7, pp. 26-30, Kasetsart Unniversity, Bangkok, Thailand, November, 2015.
Matsumoto, K., Limpaninlachat, P., and Niwa, J.: Flexural Strengthening Effect of Pretensioned UFC Panel on RC Beams with Seriously Reduced Steel Reinforcement, International Symposium on Reliability of Engineering Systems (SRES2015), Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, October 2015.
Limpaninlachat, P., and Pansuk, W.: Modified Pull-out test of CFRP plates attached with Fire-Damaged Reinforced Concrete, Proceeding of the 5th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference 2012 (TJIA), pp. 69-70, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, October, 2012.
Limpaninlachat, P., and Pansuk, W.: Strain Distribution of CFRP Plate Attached to Damaged Concrete after Fire, Proceeding of the 24th KKCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Hyogo, Japan, December, 2011.
Limpaninlachat, P., and Pansuk, W.: Interfacial Fracture Energy of Fire-Damaged Concrete Surface Attached to Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer, Proceeding of the 17th National convention on civil engineering, Udonthani, Thailand, May 2012.
Limpaninlachat, P., Thongtrakarn, P., and Pansuk, W.: Effect of Fiber Content on Mechanical Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Proceeding of the 15th National convention on civil engineering, Ubonratchathani, Thailand, May 2010.