Dr.Panon Latcharote
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering
Email : panon.lat@mahidol.ac.th
Tel : 02 – 889 – 2138 Then 6379

- Postdoctoral Fellowship
Tohoku University, Japan: 2560 (2017) - D.Eng. (Infrastructure Systems Engineering)
Kochi University of Technology, Japan: 2558 (2015) - M.Eng. (Structural Engineering)
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand: 2554 (2011) - B.Eng. (Civil Engineering)
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand: 2552 (2009)
Professional Specialization & Research Interests
- Physics-based computational and simulation engineering
- Nonlinear structural response analysis
- Multi-hazard risk assessment
- Statistical modeling and uncertainty quantification
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
Taught Classes
- Engineering Mechanics
- Strength of Materials
- Structural Analysis
- Timber and Steel Design
- Finite Element Method for Civil Engineering (Postgraduate level)
- Structural Analysis and Structural Dynamics (Postgraduate level)
- Research Skill Development in Civil Engineering (Postgraduate level)
International Journals
Bandara, S.C., Latcharote, P. (2023) Service Life Assessment of Steel Girder Bridge Under Actual Truck Traffic, Mechanisms and Machine Science, 125, 142–151. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-15758-5_14 (Scopus)
Saengyuan, S., Latcharote, P. (2022) Investigation of Seismic Performance for Low-Rise RC Buildings with Different Patterns of Infill Walls, Buildings, 12 (9), 1351. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12091351 (Scopus/ISI)
Pakoksung, K., Latcharote, P., Suttinon, P., Bunditsakulchai, P., Suppasri, A., Imamura, F. (2022) The probability of community-scale building damage and economic loss in Thailand increased after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 79, 103171. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103171 (Scopus/ISI)
Komolvilas, V., Tanapalungkorn, W., Latcharote, P., Likitlersuang, S. (2021) Failure analysis on a heavy rainfall-induced landslide in Huay Khab Mountain in Northern Thailand, Journal of Mountain Science, 18(10), 2580–2596. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-021-6720-8 (Scopus/ISI)
Subedi, B., Kiyono, J., Furukawa, A., Ono, Y., Ornthammarath, T., Kitaoka, T., Charatpangoon, B., Latcharote, P. (2021) Estimation of Ground Profiles Based on Microtremor Survey in the Bangkok Basin, Frontiers in Built Environment, section Earthquake Engineering, 7, 651902. https://doi.org/10.3389/fbuil.2021.651902 (Scopus)
Hansapinyo, C., Latcharote, P., Limkatanyu S (2020) Seismic Building Damage Prediction From
GIS-Based Building Data Using Artificial Intelligence System, Frontiers in Built Environment, section Earthquake
Engineering, 6, 576919. https://doi.org/10.3389/fbuil.2020.576919 (Scopus)
Tanapalungkorn, W., Mase, L.Z., Latcharote, P., Likitlersuang, S. (2020) Verification of attenuation
models based on strong ground motion data in Northern Thailand, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 133,
106145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2020.106145 (Scopus/ISI)
Leelawat, N., Latcharote, P., Suppasri, A., Sararit, T., Srivichai, M., Tang, J., Chua, T.,
Kumnetrut, D., Saengtabtim, K. and Imamura, F. (2020) Today in Thailand: multidisciplinary perspectives on the
current tsunami disaster risk reduction, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 501. https://doi.org/10.1144/SP501-2019-97 (Scopus/ISI)
Duereh, A., Anantpinijwatna, A., Latcharote, P. (2020) Prediction of Solvatochromic Polarity
Parameters for Aqueous Mixed-Solvent Systems, Applied Science, 10(23), 8480. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10238480 (Scopus/ISI)
Suppasri, A., Pakoksung, K., Charvet, I., Chua, C. T., Takahashi, N., Ornthammarath, T., Latcharote,
P., Leelawat, N. and Imamura, F. (2019). Load-resistance analysis: An alternative approach to tsunami
damage assessment applied to the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19,
1807-1822. https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-19-1807-2019 (Scopus/ISI)
Latcharote, P., Terada, K., Hori, M. and Imamura, F. (2018). A Prototype Seismic Loss
Assessment Tool using Integrated Earthquake Simulation, International Journal of Disaster Risk
Reduction, 31, 1354-1365. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.03.026 (Scopus/ISI)
Latcharote, P., Al-Salem, K., Suppasri, A., Pokavanich, T., Toda, S., Jayaramu, Y., Al-Enezi,
A., Al-Ragum, A. and Imamura, F. (2018). Tsunami hazard evaluation for Kuwait due to Makran Subduction Zone and
subaerial landslides, Natural Hazards, 93, S127-S152. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-017-3097-7 (Scopus/ISI)
Pakoksung, K., Suppasri, A., Latcharote, P., Muhari, A. and Imamura, F. (2018). Global
Tsunami Risk Assessment: Industry-Academic Collaboration under the Willis Research Network, Journal of
Disaster Research, 13(7), 1272-1287. https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2018.p1272 (Scopus/ISI)
Latcharote, P., Leelawat, N., Suppasri, A., Thamarux, P. and Imamura, F. (2017). Estimation of
Fatality Ratios and Investigation of Influential Factors in the 2011 Great East Japan
Tsunami, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 29, 37-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.06.024 (Scopus/ISI)
Leelawat, N., Suppasri, A., Latcharote, P., Abe, Y., Sugiyasu, K. and Imamura, F. (2017).
Tsunami Evacuation Experiment using a Mobile Application: A Design Science Approach, International Journal
of Disaster Risk Reduction, 29, 63-72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.06.014 (Scopus/ISI)
Leelawat, N., Suppasri, A., Latcharote, P. and Imamura, F. (2017). Evacuation Operation of
Thai Citizens during the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake: an ICT Focus, Journal of Disaster Research, 12,
669-677. https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2017.p0669 (Scopus/ISI)
Latcharote, P., Suppasri, A., Yamashita, A., Adriano, B., Koshimura, S., Kai, Y. and Imamura,
F. (2017). Possible Failure Mechanisms of Building Overturned during the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami in the Town
of Onagawa, Frontiers in Built Environment, section Earthquake Engineering,
3(16). https://doi.org/10.3389/fbuil.2017.00016 (Scopus)
Latcharote, P., Suppasri, A., Imamura, F., Aytore, B. and Yalciner, A.C. (2016). Possible
Worst-Case Tsunami Scenarios around the Marmara Sea from Combined Earthquake and Landslide Sources, Pure
and Applied Geophysics, 173(12). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-016-1411-z (Scopus/ISI)
Latcharote, P., Suppasri, A., Hasekawa, N., Takagi, H. and Imamura, F. (2016). Effect of
Breakwaters on Loss Reduction of Fatality Ratio during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and
Tsunami, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Series B2 (Coastal Engineering), 72(2),
1591-1596. https://doi.org/10.2208/kaigan.72.I_1591
Suppasri, A., Leelawat, N., Latcharote, P., Roeber, V., Yamashita, K., Hayashi, A., Ohira,
H., Fukui, K., Hisamatsu, A., Nguyen, D., and Imamura, F. (2017). The 2016 Fukushima Earthquake and Tsunami: Local
Tsunami Behavior and Recommendations for Tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction, International Journal of Disaster
Risk Reduction, 21, 323-330. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2016.12.016 (Scopus/ISI)
Suppasri, A., Latcharote, P., Bricker, J. D., Leelawat, N., Hayashi, A., Yamashita, K.,
Makinoshima, F., Roeber, V. and Imamura, F. (2016). Improvement of Tsunami Countermeasures Based on Lessons from the
2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami — Situation After Five Years, Coastal Engineering
Journal, 58(4). https://doi.org/10.1142/S0578563416400118 (Scopus/ISI)
Suppasri, A., Latcharote, P., Pokavanich, T., Al-Salem, K., Al-Enezi, A., Toda, S. and
Imamura, F. (2016). Tsunami Hazard Assessment for the Arabian Gulf from Earthquake and Surface
Landslides, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Series B2 (Coastal Engineering), 72(2),
1675-1680. https://doi.org/10.2208/kaigan.72.I_1675
Suppasri, A., Hasekawa, N., Makinoshima, F., Imamura, F., Latcharote, P. and Day, S.
(2016). An Analysis of Fatality Ratios and the Factors that Affected Human Fatalities in the 2011 Great East Japan
Tsunami, Frontiers in Built Environment, section Earthquake Engineering, 2(32).
https://doi.org/10.3389/fbuil.2016.00032 (Scopus)
Latcharote, P. and Kai, Y. (2015). Numerical Derivations of a Macroscopic Model for Reinforced
Concrete Walls considering In-plane and Out-of-plane Behavior, Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake
Engineering, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.5610/jaee.15.2_45
Latcharote, P., Suppasri, A. and Kai, Y. (2013). Practical Applications of Earthquake and
Tsunami Simulation Output for Disaster Management, Society for Social Management Systems Internet
Journal, 3, SMS13-6767. http://hdl.handle.net/10173/1253
Conference Proceedings
Krutphong, K., Treeranurat, W., Laosunthara, A., Leelawat, N., Tang, J., Trumikaborworn, N., Latcharote, P., Raising the Community’s Awareness of Disaster through the Board Games: A Review K Krutphong, W, Proceeding of 1st International Symposium on One Health, One World, Pattaya, Thailand, December 2022.
Trumikaborworn, N., Latcharote, P., Warnitchai, P., Tsunami evacuation simulation and the effect of population distribution: a case study of Patong, Phuket, Proceeding of 1st International Symposium on One Health, One World, Pattaya, Thailand, December 2022.
Trumikaborworn, N., Latcharote, P., Suppasri, A., Warnitchai, P., Crafting effective tsunami evacuation measures using multiagent simulation: A case study of Khao Lak, Thailand, Proceeding of 14th Aceh International Workshop and Expo on Sustainable Tsunami Disaster Recovery (AIWEST-DR 2022), Sydney, Australia, September 2022.
Trumikaborworn, N., Latcharote, P., Warnitchai, P., Tsunami evacuation simulation using multi-agent simulation: A case study of Khao Lak, Thailand, Proceeding of 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan, September 2020.
Latcharote, P., C. Hansapinyo, C., Warnitchai, P., Seismic risk assessment in chiang mai municipality using adapted fragility functions, Proceeding of 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan, September 2020.
Latcharote, P., Terada, K., Hori, M. and Imamura, F., Seismic Risk Assessment of Wooden
Buildings using Integrated Earthquake Simulation, Proceeding of 7th Asian Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand, November, 2018.
Latcharote, P., Leelawat, N., Suppasri, A. and Imamura, F., Developing Estimating Equations of
Fatality Ratio based on Surveyed Data of the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami, IOP Conference Series Earth and
Environmental Science, 56(1):012011, February, 2017. (Scopus/ISI)
Leelawat, N., Suppasri, A., Latcharote, P., Imamura, F., Abe, Y. and Sugiyasu, K.,
Increasing Tsunami Risk Awareness via Mobile Application, IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental
Science, 56(1):012001, February, 2017. (Scopus/ISI)
Latcharote, P., Suppasri, A., Roeber, V. and Imamura, F., Preliminary Source Model of the Unexpected
Tsunami in Sendai Bay from the 2016 Fukushima Earthquake, Proceeding of JSCE Tohoku Research Meeting,
Sendai, Japan, March, 2017.
Latcharote, P., Suppasri, A., Leelawat, N. and Imamura, F., Developing A Relationship between
Fatality and Tsunami Arrive Time based on the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami for Future Loss
Assessment, 13th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), Beijing,
China, July, 2016.
Latcharote, P., Suppasri, A., Pokavanich, T., Al-Salem, K. and Imamura, F., Evaluation of
Tsunami Hazards on Urban Area in Kuwait due to Possible Earthquake and Landslide Sources using Numerical
Simulation, Proceeding of International Conference on Urban Risks (ICUR2016), Lisbon, Portugal, June,
Leelawat, N., Suppasri, A., Latcharote, P. and Imamura, F., Prototype Design of Mobile
Solution for Tsunami Awareness, 13th Annual Meeting Asia Oceania Geosciences Society
(AOGS), Beijing, China, July, 2016.
Leelawat, N., Suppasri, A., Park, J., Charvet, I., Latcharote, P., Imamura, F., Iijima, J.
and Abe, Y., DamageEstimateApp: A Mobile Application to Estimate Building Damage from Tsunami
Disaster, Proceeding of International Conference on Urban Risks (ICUR2016), Lisbon, Portugal, June,
Latcharote, P., Suppasri, A. and Imamura, F., Developing Probability Curves of Fatality during the
2011 Great East Japan Tsunami in Sendai Plain, Proceeding of JSCE Tohoku Research Meeting, Iwate,
Japan, March, 2016.
Latcharote, P., Suppasri, A., Imamura, F., Aytore, B. and Yalciner, A.C., Re-evaluation of
Tsunami Hazard in Marmara Sea Generated from Combined Earthquake and Landslide Sources Focusing on Istanbul, Oral
presentation, American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, December, 2015.
Latcharote, P. and Kai, Y., Double-Layer Platform of High Performance Computing for Damage
Prediction of RC Buildings subject to Earthquake and Subsequent Tsunami in a Target Area, Proceeding of
5th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake
Engineering, Crete Island, Greece, May, 2015. (Scopus)
Latcharote, P., Suppasri, A., Imamura, F., Aytore, B. and Yalciner, A.C., Evaluation of Tsunami
Hazards in Marmara Sea Generated from Combining Earthquake-Landslide Source, Tsunami Joint-Research
Meeting, University of Tokyo, Japan, December, 2015.
Latcharote, P. and Kai, Y., Nonlinear Structural Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Suffering Damage from Earthquake and Subsequent Tsunami, Proceeding of 10th U.S. National
Conference on Earthquake Engineering (10NCEE), Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Alaska, USA,
July, 2014. DOI: 10.4231/D33J39197 (Scopus)
Latcharote, P., Suppasri, A., Yamashita, A., Adriano, B., Koshimura, S., Kai, Y. and Imamura, F.,
Mechanism and Stability Analysis of Overturned Building by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in
Onagawa Town, Proceeding of 14th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium
(14JEES), Chiba, Japan, December, 2014.
Latcharote, P., Kai, Y. and Matsuzaki, K., Utilization of a Supercomputer in Earthquake and
Tsunami Simulation, Proceeding of 6th Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference
(TJIA2013), 92-93, Osaka, Japan, November, 2013.
Latcharote, P. and Kai, Y., High Performance Computing of Dynamic Structural Response Analysis
for the Integrated Earthquake Simulation, Proceeding of 13th East Asia Pacific Conference
on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13), H-1-1, Hokkaido, Japan, September,
2013. (Scopus)
Latcharote, P. and Kai, Y., High Performance Computing of Dynamic Structural Response Analysis
for the Integrated Earthquake Simulation, Proceeding of AIJ Shikoku Chapter Architecture Research
Meeting, 57-58, Kochi, Japan, May, 2013.
Nakagawa, E., Asada, K., Latcharote, P. and Kai, Y., Study on the Method of Calculating
Tsunami Load on Structures using the Survey Results of the Building Tsunami, Proceeding of AIJ Shikoku
Chapter Architecture Research Meeting, 33-34, May, 2013.
Latcharote, P. and Kai, Y., Object Oriented Modeling of Dynamic Structural Response
Analysis, Proceeding of 5th Thailand – Japan International Academic Conference
(TJIA2012), 71-72, Tokyo, Japan, November, 2012.
Technical Reports and Book Chapters
Imamura, F., Suppasri, A., Latcharote, P. and Otake, T., A Global Assessment of Tsunami
Hazards over the Last 400 Years, World Tsunami Awareness Day, 2016. http://www.preventionweb.net/publications/view/50889
Suppasri, A., Charvet, I., Macabuag, J., Rossetto, T., Leelawat, N., Latcharote, P. and
Imamura, F. (2015). Chapter 9 – Building Damage Assessment and Implications for Future Tsunami Fragility
Estimations, Handbook of Coastal Disaster Mitigation for Engineers and Planners, Elsevier Science
and Technology Books, 147-178. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-801060-0.00009-5 (Scopus)
Research Projects
- Project Title: Computational Multiphysics Research for Civil Engineering Application
Role: Principal Investigator
Source of Funding: Mahidol University - Project Title: Tsunami risk evaluation by improving evacuation process for Thailand
Role: Principal Investigator
Source of Funding: National Research Council of Thailand - Project Title: Development of a catastrophe model for evaluating seismic losses and impacts in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai
Role: Co-investigator
Source of Funding: National Research Council of Thailand - Project Title: International collaboration project on developing a computational engineering multidisciplinary research in blast modelling and experiment
Role: Principal Investigator
Source of Funding: Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation - Project Title: Simplified pushover analysis model for symmetric buildings with infilled walls
Role: Principal Investigator
Source of Funding: Mahidol University - Project Title: Probabilistic seismic hazard and risk assessment of low-rise buildings in Chiang Mai
Role: Principal Investigator
Source of Funding: Thailand Research Fund - Project Title: Tsunami hazard evaluation in Thailand and tsunami evacuation simulation for identifying effective
disaster risk reduction measures
Role: Co-investigator
Source of Funding: Thailand Research Fund - Project Title: Seismic Risk Assessment in Sendai using Integrated Earthquake Simulation (IES)
Role: Co-investigator
Source of Funding: Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo - Project Title: Pan Asian/Oceanian tsunami risk assessment
Role: Co-investigator
Source of Funding: Willis Research Network - Project Title: Evaluation of Tsunami hazard along the Kuwaiti Coastline due to Possible Earthquakes and
Role: Co-investigator
Source of Funding: Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
Invited Seminars and Workshops
- Expert group meeting on ICT for Disaster Risk Management, UNESCAP/APCICT, Bangkok, Thailand, August, 2019.
- The Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, UNESCO/IOC, Kish Island, Iran, March, 2019.
- Expert Consultation on Scientific Tsunami Hazard Assessment of the Makran Subduction Zone, UNESCO/IOC, Kish Island, Iran, March, 2019.
- UK-Japan Disaster Research Workshop: Cascading Risk and Uncertainty Assessment of Earthquake Shaking and Tsunami, UK Embassy, Tokyo, Japan, August, 2016.
- Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction, Phuket, Thailand, February, 2016.
- The First International Workshop to Promote Seismic Protection Systems for Civil Structures, Sendai, Japan, November, 2015.
- Special Seminar on Law and Disaster, Royal Thai Embassy, Tokyo, Japan, September, 2013.