On 28 September 2018, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nopraenue Sajjarax Dhirathiti, Acting Vice President for International Relations and Corporate Communication welcomed the delegation from Kyoto University, Japan, led by Prof. Kaya Inaba, Executive Vice-President for Gender Equality, International Affairs and Public Relations. The purpose of this visit was for the delegation to discuss ongoing and future research collaboration and student exchange between Mahidol University and Kyoto University. The participants in the session include Asst. Prof. Dr.Yodchanan Wongsawat, Vice Dean for Research and International Relations and representatives from Faculty of Engineering.

Welcoming the delegation from Ehime University, T-MEC Co., Ltd. and Iyo Bank, Ltd., Japan.
On September 5, 2024, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University, led by Assoc.Prof.Dr.Teraphan Ornthammarath, Head of the Department of Civil