On December 2-9, 2566, Associate Professor Dr.Yosathorn Sapsathiarn, a faculty member in the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, Faculty of Engineering at Mahidol University, traveled to conduct research in collaboration with Professor Yun-Che Wang at the Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan. This research falls under the project titled ‘Investigation of time-dependent, non-reciprocal properties of mechanical metamaterials,’ funded by the Taiwan National Science Council. This international research collaboration aims to develop innovative structural designs and new methods to analyze metamaterials. During this opportunity, Associate Professor Dr. Yosatorn Supasitthien also discussed and evaluated a memorandum of understanding for potential collaboration in establishing a Dual Ph.D. Degree program in Civil Engineering between the Faculty of Engineering at Mahidol University and the College of Engineering at National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.